Wednesday, November 26, 2008

dance moves

Zach blessed us with some of his dance moves to his own special beat. He turned on the keyboard and showed us how it's done.

He loves to take the doggies for a hike. The dogs graciously carry his didees for him.

Santa brought an early Christmas present in the form of a climbing harness. Here he is ready to go. He has decided to try 1 shoe climbing. He says it gives him better rock feel. I suspect he just lost one of his shoes.

Finally his favorite activity: Sweeping the floor. We don't know why he loves it but we bought him his own broom just so he can clean up.

Friday, November 14, 2008

new furniture

This week Zach got some new furniture including a Zach sized table and chairs, which he promptly fell off of while standing on the chair. He also got his on portable stool so he can get into more things now. His new bed is on its way and is a vital element is constructing his new bedroom.

Gibson continues on his micheivious ways. He now likes to bury his head in the sink to earn extra food.